Saturday, November 17, 2012


So I've just transitioned out of a dark cave into the light. The cave was nice, cool, safe, out of the heat of the sun, but I didn't know where I was going. Sure I could just stay there, but it wasn't where I wanted to be. There was no excitement or future in it. This is the best analogy to my situation right now. I have suddenly found my way out of the cave and see a breathtaking view of the future. I just interviewed and was hired by major U.S. airline and all my pent up anxiety about the future has been released. I was trying so hard to get in, and it happened. For the record my interview was last Wednesday and Thursday, November 14-15, 2012. It was challenging, and at least from one evaluator, the only one that gave me feedback, it was a close call. Not sure why - he said something about wondering if I would ever "let my hair down" and show myself. I think I was trying hard to give all the right answers and he wasn't able to see me behind all my carefulness. Anyway, he said it all depended on an answer to the last question he gave, which was something like, how would I make a 4 day trip enjoyable if I were to fly with him. I barely remember my response but, according to him, I "knocked it out of the park." All I said was that I love getting to know people and that all I would do is find out as much about him as I could. For some reason, that resonated with him. Anyway, I am now to wait for a class day, and am told it may take a while, maybe even 6-7 months. But I have nothing to loose. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I have plenty of time to get ready and I'll only be making more money while I wait. But what a desert at the end - just to dream of Hawaii, Mexico, Alaska, getting to know many new people and returning home. Maybe living in Anchorage for a few years, settling down in the land of customer service and like-minded people, but with a rich perspective of life; time to test my writing skills while on the road. And what a great way to retire! I'm in a state of euphoria. It seems nothing can go wrong now.

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